
Precision pig farming tools for all phases of pork production

Freeda Solutions

No pig is anonymous

Individual pig management in group settings

We provide automation for managing pigs in all phases, from the development of high-performing genetics to productive finishing pigs. No matter what niche you’re working in pork production, we have tools you can use to become more efficient.

With our solutions, you can quickly and easily observe every pig in your barn and decide which pigs need your attention.

How?  Our RFID technology helps you identify and monitor each pig in your herd with precision pig farming tools including electronic sow feeding systems for gestation pens or farrowing stalls, automated pig sorting for grow/finish operations and pig performance testing for boar or breeding gilt development.
These tools help you give your pigs the best of both worlds: the research-proven benefits of group housing with the efficiency of individual pig management.

Your pigs won’t be the only ones to benefit. You will appreciate how you can reduce waste and maximize performance with FREEDA automated systems.

We will be your teammate while you transition into your new system.
You want the most out of your investment in any of our technology, and we want you to succeed.
We are available to answer your questions – no matter how big or small – as you make the transition into automated precision pig farming.

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Welcome to the world, FREEDA

Welcome to the world, FREEDA

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FREEDA worldwide

FREEDA worldwide

Apr 5, 2024 11:30:35 AM 1 min read
FREEDA website is live

FREEDA website is live

Apr 5, 2024 11:24:21 AM 1 min read

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