Data and information

Be confident in the data you're collecting

We have the solution for your...

Challenge: Lack of accurate real-time data to measure sow performance

Making decisions based on inaccurate or incomplete pig data sets can be worse than making decisions with no data at all. And you don’t want to be guessing when making decisions about your farm’s future.

From analyzing individual sows to whole-herd trends, are you confident in the data you’re collecting and using to improve your bottom line?

If you’re not confident, let’s get you there.


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Welcome to the world, FREEDA

Welcome to the world, FREEDA

May 1, 2024 3:03:28 PM 1 min read
FREEDA worldwide

FREEDA worldwide

Apr 5, 2024 11:30:35 AM 1 min read
FREEDA website is live

FREEDA website is live

Apr 5, 2024 11:24:21 AM 1 min read

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